Latest News 2010 December Michigan May Change Child Support Laws

Michigan May Change Child Support Laws

A decision passed down from the Michigan Supreme Court could affect some couples' child support arrangements. The decision, a rare unanimous vote, states that a parent can be asked to make child support payments even if they are not allowed to have any other role in their child's life.

The basis for their decision came from a case originating in Oakland County when a parent, Lawrence Beck, had his parental rights terminated in 2009. In his case he was ordered to continue to pay child support for his two children as per the results of his divorce settlement.

To back their decision the Supreme Court stated that Michigan law requires a parent to continue to make financial support payments for their children unless a judge specifically modifies or terminates their need to do so.

Judge Alton Davis, a member of the Supreme Court panel, did not participate in this case as he was a member of the state appeals court when the case was reviewed.

Need assistance with a child support matter?  It is advised that you work with a family lawyer.

Categories: Child Support, Family Law
