Latest News 2011 October Divorce and Your Finances

Divorce and Your Finances

Many couples have put off getting divorced in recent years simply because they would not be able to support themselves financially as individuals. If you have gotten to the point with your spouse where you are ready to seek a divorce, there are a few steps that you should take to make sure that your assets are split fairly.

Make sure that you know the details of you and your spouse's finances. In many cases one spouse controls the majority of the family's money and the other spouse has little knowledge of how bills are paid or where money goes. Make copies of all of your financial documents and computer records to show your lawyer.

You'll also want to consider whether it might be a good idea to close any joint accounts you might have with your current spouse. Before you're divorced, your spouse could rack up debts or spend your money in ways you don't approve of. Help prevent this from happening by taking control of your money as soon as possible.

If you have an amicable relationship with your spouse, try to speak with them constructively about how to best get through this difficult process. This is particularly important if you and your spouse have children.

Finally, take the time to secure representation from a family lawyer who can protect your best interests throughout the divorce process.

Categories: Divorce, Family Law
